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Fun, Love, Laughter, the joys of being a thirty something newlywed as I fight the battle of the bulge while trying to start a family and build a successful career!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Putting It Out There!

After my last post I came to the realisation that I currently need to focus on one thing at a time and decided that that one thing at the moment, should be uni because I have a few assignments due in the next few weeks and a trip to New Zealand in the middle of it.

I had applied for a few roles last week (Communication and PR) and with one I took a chance and wrote a fantastically creative cover letter.

Low and behold I received a phone call today inviting me to an interview for that very role on Monday!!

I am stoked!

I am shitting myself!!

But you know what most of all I'm proud! I'm proud of putting myself out there, of getting the ball rolling and the energy happening!!

And things are happening!!

On my walk after work today I saw a slightly weird looking couple, its a crazy neighborhood where I walk (Valley for you Brisbanites) but I smiled at them anyway.  The man called me over, I thought to ask directions..but this is what he said...

"You look like a really great girl, you look someone who is going to make things happening and you should go hard!!"

I was stunned, but I said Thanks and told him he'd really made my day!!

Some people may think he's crazy (he certainly looked it), but I think.....

What if he's right???


Deb said...

Yay! So exciting. Fingers crossed for you.
Great that the weirdos were so cool!

Catherine F. said...

Oh wow! That is so cool - you know me, I just love stories like that.

As for the interview - you sent in an application that was more you and look what it did! Go girl, it will be fantastic. Show 'em what you can do and how lucky they'll be to have you on their team!

LizH, said...

I am a great believer in things happening for a reason and that stranger has given you an amazing gift.

you will "Rock their socks off" at the interview on Monday. Congratulations!

Ali said...

So proud of you for taking this step. Go in there and know that you are worth a million dollars. I'm glad that man pointed out the truth, now you just have to believe it! xo

Little mimoo said...

ha how brillant! motivation can sometimes come from the most unlikely places doesn't it??
Good luck for your interview and hope you have not been swept away in this ghastly weather :-)

Deb said...

I have tagged you in a meme. It's here: http://diminishingdebbie.blogspot.com/2010/10/i-was-tagged.html


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