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Fun, Love, Laughter, the joys of being a thirty something newlywed as I fight the battle of the bulge while trying to start a family and build a successful career!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Quick Update

Hi Everyone,

Well we had a great but exhausting time in NZ and am so glad we gave ourselves a couple of days to chill before going back to jail...whoops I mean work!

Weight wise I ave gained 1.5 kgs. Not just in the week away but the week before hand.

Am definitely in the right mindset to move on from it though and was going to attending a Seminar today about goal setting and dreaming big by Mark Stephens who wrote Think Slim but I have a sick cat who needs to go to the vet - so for now will have to get started on my own!

That interview I mentioned didn't pan out as they changed the criteria of what they were looking for. But this week I am back into the job hunt big time.

Got to run but here's a piccie to from our trip! This is the view from the pub at Kaikoura where we stopped for lunch!

1 comment:

Diminishing Lucy said...

You look so happy. And that scenery in the backgroudn! Wow!


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