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Fun, Love, Laughter, the joys of being a thirty something newlywed as I fight the battle of the bulge while trying to start a family and build a successful career!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


My single non-mummy friends are going to fall off their chairs or spit wine all over their keyboards when they read this!

My girlfriend had a baby on Thursday (number 2) and I went to visit today. When I got to the hospital Dad asked me if it made me clucky and I said I got clucky on the way in! I really really want one!

I was so lucky and got to cuddle her for 2 hours, while Mum had lunch, got organised, went to the loo, stuff like that!

He he he - I want to write "watch this space" but have a few things to do first! Like losing this 20 kilos!!


Diminishing Lucy said...

Get the weight off and then start shooting for an open goal. xx

Hand-Made said...

What an amazing reward a bubs would be as a goal reward!

I ahve to admit... i got clucky reading your post!!!! oh no! I have a 22month old running around already


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