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Fun, Love, Laughter, the joys of being a thirty something newlywed as I fight the battle of the bulge while trying to start a family and build a successful career!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tony Soprano makes Me Horny!

Yeah I know, most if you are probably screwing your noses up!

I know he's not your regular sex symbol (ie David Beckham, Julio Iglesies, Hugh Jackman). But I've always liked guys who don't quite fit that manlier than man stereotype...(but I would kick Beckham out of bed).

But there is just something about Tony Soprano that gets me going (no it's not because he 's trying to be cute in the pic below) and there are no complaints from a certain someone in my house ;-)

I have watched season 1 through 3 over the last few months and its not until season 3 that I noticed any stirrings in that direction at all.

Maybe it's the power, maybe it's the money, maybe it's the danger, maybe it's the vulnerable interior sheltered by the tough shell. Maybe it's the fact that he pulls hot chicks, maybe it's my inner neandethal.

I can't help but think this temporary fantasy says more about me than it does about the character.  I wonder what Doctor Melfi would say?

What unlikely characters have done it for you??


Diminishing Lucy said...

Gene Hunt. Go Google. He is lovely. Rough. Lovely. Capable...

Andrea said...

Lol - my first thought was who's that! but yes I know who he is - good choice!


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